INCA Catalunya is an independent and assembly-run organisation of professionals, each one specialized in his/her own artistic field and with practical and extensive experience as trainer. INCA Catalunya works primarily with animation tools (clown, juggling, mime and body language), theatre, photography, fine arts and multimedia. INCA Catalunya is a founding member of INCA Network, and it shares with other INCA members intervention strategies and methodology of work mainly based on Non Formal Education and active participation.

The organisation is primarily aimed at young adults and communities at risk of exclusion for social, geographical or political conditions. Its philosophy is to engage and encourage people, particularly the disadvantaged ones, to develop their own skills, to get to know new possibilities and to open themselves to cooperation through culture, arts and active participation.

The main objectives of INCA Catalunya are:
  • To promote equality, human rights, cultural cohesion and peace culture through education projects.
  • To disseminate the principles, values and benefits of non-formal and formal education and to encourage active participation.
  • To promote social inclusion and to improve the life conditions of young people and communities through arts and cultural initiatives.
  • To encourage and to support meetings between young professionals, artists and organisations, and the exchange of experiences and best practices in the cultural and social field, with the main objective to promote intercultural learning.
  • To collaborate to develop new partnerships and networking projects with Central and South America, Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe.

The organisation develops its activities along three lines of action:

  • Training: organization and management of projects for youth and adults with the aim of promoting intercultural learning through trainings, exchanges, workshops, arts and media activities. 
  • Intervention: production shows, festivals and educational projects.
  • Capacity building: support to organisations for the creation and development of projects.

INCA Catalunya works actively in the youth field since 2007. At local level INCA Catalunya organises training courses and leisure activities for young people, especially for those at risk of social exclusion, as well as providing services for young artists’ collectives. INCA Catalunya is active in the community of the city of Barcelona, collaborating actively with other cultural and youth organisations. At international level, INCA Catalunya is founding member of the international network INCA Network, present in 5 European countries and with several official partners in Europe and Latin America. Under the former Youth in Action Programme, INCA Catalunya organised youth exchanges, local and transnational youth initiatives, training courses and evaluation meetings. INCA Catalunya organised also international youth projects supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe, and Learning Partnerships project under the former Grundtvig programme. Under the new ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Commission INCA Catalunya organised KA1 activities (Study visit, youth exchanges and training courses). INCA Catalunya has proven over the years to have excellent organizational skills, confirmed by the evaluations received by participants and by partners (both local and international ones) and the institutions involved in the projects.

INCA Catalunya team is composed by volunteers, professionals and youth workers each one expert in his/her own field of intervention. INCA Catalunya trainers are members of several professional pools of trainers at European level (including the Youth Department of the Council of Europe), valued for their skills and human qualities. INCA Catalunya volunteers are prepared and active in the community, through the entity they implement social intervention projects for young people.

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